兰州大学核学科系列学术讲座“铸剑强国 核以道和”第93讲:Mohammad Yousuf Jamal博士

日期:2019-12-11 阅读: 来源: 关键词:

应兰州大学核科学与技术学院Marco Ruggieri教授邀请,National Institute of Science Education and Research, Bhubaneswar (India)的Mohammad Yousuf Jamal博士将于12月11日-21日来兰州大学开展学术交流活动并作学术报告。

报告题目:Energy loss of heavy quarks moving in the interacting isotropic collisional hot QCD medium




Collisional energy loss of heavy partons (charm and bottom quarks) has been determined within the framework of effective kinetic theory implying Bhatnagar-Gross-Krook (BGK) collisional kernel. Hot QCD medium effects have been incorporated while employing a quasi-particle description of the hot QCD medium in terms of effective gluons, quarks and antiquarks with their respective temperature-dependent effective fugacities. Then the momentum dependence of the energy loss for the charm and bottom quark has been investigated. It is observed that with the increase in momentum of the heavy quark, the energy loss increases sharply for the smaller values and later reaches a saturation. Further, as compared to the charm quark, the bottom quark loses less energy at a particular momentum and collisional frequency. The energy loss is seen to increase with increasing collisional frequency. The medium interaction effects are found to suppress the energy loss of both charm and bottom quarks. Further, as an expansion to this work, a few results on the effect of small but finite chemical potential has also been presented.


Dr Jamal is currently a postdoctoral researcher at National Institute of Science Education and Research, Bhubaneswar (India). He got his PhD in April 2019 in Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar, with a thesis on collective excitations in a hot QCD plasma. He got his master degree at the Aligarh Muslim University, with a thesis on emulsion techniques in high energy nuclear collisions. Research activity of Dr Jamal focuses on the theory of high energy nuclear collisions, and on hot QCD medium. Works of Dr Jamal have been published on Phys. Rev. D.



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